Hi everybody. I'm back to express my thoughts about legislative process being made by a bunch of people in government.
But first, I want you to enjoy your winter holidays :) Hope you'll have a great with your family, friends. This is truly magic time for all the dreams to come true. Make photos, walk, forget about social media and enjoy real life.
So, this was a tough year for Russia and myself is not exeption as well. There are many problems in Russia people faced this year in Russia. Among them are russian laws that are toughten gradually.
Lets observe the last changes.
Meduza.io have announced that in December 2015 a new non-government structure will be created - Community Council for analyzing the restrictive laws.

But first, I want you to enjoy your winter holidays :) Hope you'll have a great with your family, friends. This is truly magic time for all the dreams to come true. Make photos, walk, forget about social media and enjoy real life.
Also I declare that now and then this blog will be updated weekly :)
So, this was a tough year for Russia and myself is not exeption as well. There are many problems in Russia people faced this year in Russia. Among them are russian laws that are toughten gradually.
Lets observe the last changes.
Meduza.io have announced that in December 2015 a new non-government structure will be created - Community Council for analyzing the restrictive laws.
This means that situation is really bad. Russian State Duma pass the laws that are even oppressive. This became real because no liberal power is being represented in State Duma. All of the member are either pro-Kremlin or fake liberals (like party LDPR). No real opposition at all.
In order to change this a new opposition coalition was established - Joint Democratic Coalition consisting mainly of two parties: the Progress Party heading by Alexey Navalny and People's Freedom Party (PARNAS) heading by Mikhail Kasyanov. Unfortunately such popular politicians can't reach sucess even in regional elections. They experienced a setback in election in Kostroma in 2015 reaching only 2% of votes. Coalition described this results as a fraud of main russian party - "United Russia" (currently has a majority in State Duma).
The main goal of Democratic coalition is to challenge the ruling party "United Russia" to loose the majority in State Duma in upcoming election in September 2016. This will change the order of passing laws, because as a fact "United Russia" party represent Putin in State Duma and by the way is ruled by Putin inspite of the fact that the leader of the United Russia in russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev (the same situation in Turkey is between Erdoğan and Davutoğlu).
But now before the elections Duma is trying to pass as much oppressive laws as they can.
Some of them:
1) Sanctions on Turkey (because of them the inflation goes up after the prices of vegetables grew up)
2) "Freezing" pension system's money to cover the deficit of budget (this means that all payments made by employed people to pension system are taken away from Pension Fund)
3) Allowing FSB employees to shoot down even in overcrowded places (this means that every meeting can end up with police shooting in crowd; and law also allows to shoot even in women and children)
4) Now Russia can ignore the decicion made by European Court of Justice and other international law structures and State Duma set a priority of desicions of Russian Courts over the decisions of other international court (this means that every oppressive act cannot be appealed against Russian Courts and Russia ignores the treaties made early in order to become a member of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe)
5) Payments for Russian government being taken from truck drivers for road's repairment (an additional tax for heavy trucks' drivers)
6) New 2016 budget of Russia (only military expenses increased. all social duties (medicine, education, etc..) are under cut by 10%.
7) Compulsoty registration of bloggers and other mass-media with the audience of 100 000 people montly (this means that government can regulate even popular blogger's activity and impose tough laws reffering to mass-media)
8) Eternal ban of any site in Internet across the Russian Federation (this law was used by blocking opposition parties sites and preventing news aggregators from publishing critics materials reffering to government)
9) Death penalty for terrorists (currently is being discussed. not passed)
All of that laws are overwhelmingly increased tension within the russian borders. Once in 1993 Russia have chosen Democracy as a central conception of country. But then in 2015 we see that there's a way back to dictatorship.
What will be next? Only elections in 2016 can change something. If the Democracy Coalition will loose the election, the new wave of oppressive laws can be approved.
All the materials are copyright of Victor Sadovsky. 2015 Free to share by posting a link on my blog
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